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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Places)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Roman basilica in London
The three-story basilica built by the Romans in Londinium, distant from the capital of the Empire, was the largest structure of this type located north of the Alps. Constructed in 70 CE, enlarged in the years 90-120, it was the seat of the then city authorities, administration, treasury, temples and courts.
Virtus Iulia – Roman city in Spain
In the south of Spain (central Andalusia) there are remains of the Roman city Virtus Iulia. The site is located within the Torreparedones archaeological site.
Rhapta – ancient market in south-east Africa
In the famous “Periplus of the Erythraean Sea”1 – a manuscript from the turn of the 1st century CE, which served merchants navigating the waters between East Africa and India – we can find a place called “Rhapta”, which is described as “the last marketplace of Azania” and was located two days south of the so-called Menouthias Islands (it is suspected that it could have been Zanzibar, Mafia or Pemba).
Isca Augusta – Roman remains in Caerleon
Isca Augusta was a Roman fort and urban centre, whose remains are located nearby or in Caerleon, in South Wales. This is where the II Augustus legion camped, which took part in the invasion of Claudius in 43 CE. It was one of three permanent Roman camps in Britain that survived until the late Empire.
Amphitheater in Pollenzo
Roman amphitheater in Pollenzo (Roman city Pollentia) no longer exists. However, the houses built on its foundations perfectly reflect its range and appearance.
Portus – past and present
The Roman port Portus from the empire with the current view. The port was built during the reign of Emperor Claudius (41-54 CE) and was greatly expanded during the reign of Emperor Trajan (98-117 CE), to be complementary to the port Ostia.