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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Ruins of Pompeii with section not yet excavated

The ruins of Pompeii with the section (regiones V) visible that has not yet been excavated. There are still undiscovered places in the Pompeii Archaeological Park before archaeologists. These are mainly districts (regiones): V, IV, IX, III and part of I. The main problem, as always, is not enough money.

Ruins of Pompeii with section not yet excavated

Where was Roman toilet located?

Almost all private Roman houses in Herculaneum and Pompeii had toilets. They were usually in the kitchens or under the stairs (Herculaneum Casa del Gran Portale house). Such solitary confinement rooms often had no doors, which would be unthinkable these days.

Roman toilet in Cerro da Vila

Roman deadlift

It is said that the ancient Greeks and Romans practised the deadlift (deadlift). Lifting a weight from the ground is the oldest “utility” movement and has been proven to be the most powerful for centuries. Heavy stones were grabbed and lifted off the ground.

Ancient battlefield

Nomenclature of discovered buildings in Pompeii

Pompeii is one of the most amazing archaeological discoveries in the history of mankind. A well-preserved ancient city, with the remains of people who did not manage to beat the destructive power of Vesuvius in 79 CE. However, what gives us the most information about the life of those times are the preserved artefacts and buildings.

Reconstruction of the garden in the Vettii house in Pompeii

Menenius Agrippa’s fable

In 494 BCE there was a so-called first plebeian secession, which was a rebellion against the patrician rule in Rome. To convince the crowd to stop the rebellion, the ruling class sent a special emissary. It was a certain Menenius Agrippaconsul for 503 BCE – who was friendly with the masses.

Secessio plebis on Mons Sacer

Argentarii – Roman bankers

Roman bankers appeared in the 3rd century BCE. Initially, they were called trapezitai in Greek, but then the Latin name argentarii came into use.

Roman balance weights

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