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Post-Augustinian legions

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Roman legionaries under fire
Roman legionaries under fire

I) First Italica Legion – founded by Nero, in the years 66 – 67 CE. It was created for the purpose of attacking the Parthia, what was not done anyway.

II) First Fleet Legion – founded by Nero in 68 CE. It was recruited from the sailors of the Roman navy. It was dissolved by Emperor Vespasian in 70 CE due to demilitarization.

III) First Legion Adiutrix – was created thanks to the province of Gaul of Narbonne for the emperor Galba in 68 CE as a legion to assist the 1st Italica Legion.

IV) Fourth Flavia Legion – founded by Galba in 68 CE. Rewarded by Domitian for his participation in the suppression of Saturnin’s revolt.

V) Second Fifth Legion – founded by Galba in 68 CE. In the year 70 CE it was drafted into the 7th Galba Legion to form the “Gemina” legion.

VI) Sixth Ferrata Legion – founded by Galba in 68 CE. The name Ferrata, meaning “Forged in Iron”, may come from the fact that it was the first legion to be equipped with the new type of armour.

VII) Seventh Gemina – founded by Galba in 68 CE.

VIII) Tenth Gemina Legion – founded by Galba in 68 CE.

IX) Second Fifteen Legion – founded by Galba in 68 CE. In the year 70 CE, it was drafted into the 7th Galba Legion to form the “Gemina” legion.

X) Second Adiutrix Legion – founded by Gaul of Narbonne in 69 CE for the emperor Vitellius, as a legion that was to help the second “Augusta”.

XI) Second Fleet Legion – founded by Vitellius in 69 CE. In the year 70 CE resolved by Vespasian.

XII) Third Cyrenaica Legion – founded by the governor of North Africa in 67 CE. However, it was actually used in 69 CE by Vitellius.

XIII) Third Gallica Legion – founded by Vitellius in 69 CE. in Gaul. It was actually used only by Vespasian in 70 CE.

XIV) First Minervia Legion – founded by Domitian in 86 CE. Named after the Roman goddess who took care of the legion.

XV) Traian’s First Legion – founded by Trajan in 100 CE. Named after the emperor, it was built to support the Roman forces in the Dacian War.

XVI) Twenty-ninth Ulpia Legion – founded by Trajan in 100 CE. Named after the emperor’s family, it was built to support the Roman forces in the Dacian War. Disbanded in 120 CE by Emperor Hadrian.

XVII) Thirtieth Ulpia Legion – founded by Trajan in 100 CE. Named after the emperor’s family, it was built to support the Roman forces in the Dacian War.

XVIII) Second Italica Legion – founded by Marcus Aurelius between 161 and 181 CE. Recruited to support the Roman forces in the war against the Germans.

XIX) Third Italica Legion – founded by Marcus Aurelius between 161 and 181 CE. Recruited to support the Roman forces in the war against the Germans.

XX) First Parthicae Legion – founded by Severus Alexander between 231 and 232 CE. Recruited for the planned war with Parthia.

XXI) Second Parthicae Legion – founded by Severus Alexander between 231 and 232 CE. Recruited for the planned war with Parthia.

XXI) Third Parthicae Legion – founded by Severus Alexander between 231 and 232 CE. Recruited for the planned war with Parthia.

  • Dando-Collins Stephen, Legiony Cezara, Warszawa, 2004

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