Gaius Petronius the Arbiter (Gaius Petronius) lived in the years 27-66 CE. He was a Roman writer, poet, philosopher and politician. He is credited with the authorship of the anonymously published novel Satyricon. He gained a lot of influence on Emperor Nero, bored with the stoic Seneca.
“Almost the whole world are actors”
latin: [Fere totus mundus exercet histrionem]
source: Gaius Petronius, Satyricon
“He’s gone to join the majority”
latin: [Abiit ad plures]
description: meaning the dead.
source: Gaius Petronius, Satyricon, Cena Trimalchionis, 42, 5
“But an old love pinches like a crab”
latin: [Antiquus amor cancer est]
description: in the sense of: “old love does not pass”.