Galla Placidia
(388/392 - 450 CE)
Aelia Galla Placidia (born around 388/392 - died 450) - daughter of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I the Great and his second wife, Flavia Galla.
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In the history of ancient Rome, appeared many famous figures. Many of them have been remembered as cruel tyrants, eg. Caligula, Nero or Caracalla. Others, on the other hand, became famous as great reformers: Augustus, Claudius, Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian, and Constantine the Great. Also, do not forget about the Roman commanders, who often rescued the Roman state from extermination.
The great creators of Roman culture who also significantly influenced the further development of the world were also remembered. I will present people who have become famous for their great deeds.
(388/392 - 450 CE)
Aelia Galla Placidia (born around 388/392 - died 450) - daughter of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I the Great and his second wife, Flavia Galla.
(c. 350-370 - 415 CE)
Hypatia of Alexandria was a brilliant scientist who was brutally killed by a Christian mob. Suspected of participation in the murder of St. Cyril.
(after 290 - 326 CE)
The life of Constantine the Great was not an easy one. He had to face more and more new problems, and the higher he climbed in his political career, the more of them there were. The emperor had an ambitious and clever woman at his side - Fausta. One time she saved his life by defending him from his own father. However, this made Constantine decide to get rid of her.
(c. 240 - c. 274 CE)
Septimia Zenobia was the wife of the king of Palmyra - Odenatus, after his death in 267 CE she tried to strengthen the position of her minor son, Vaballat. Zenobia, thanks to its skilful policy, led the expansion and had full power in the eastern territories of the Roman Empire.
(c. 100 - 140 CE)
Faustina the Elder was the daughter of Marek Annius Verus and Faustina Rupilia. She also went down in history as the aunt of emperor Marcus Aurelius. But her biography also hides an interesting story - she was one of the most engaged empresses in improving the education of the lower social strata...
(c. 35 - after 69 CE)
Statilia Messalina was the third and last wife of Emperor Nero. She came from a senatorial family, which enjoyed great fame.
(before 20 - before 69 CE)
Flavia Domitilla (before 20-before 69 CE) was the wife of Vespasian, the mother of the Flavian dynasty and its successors: Titus and Domitian. She came from the city of Ferentium in central Italy. Her father Flavius Liberalis was a modest official. Some sources even say that he was a scribe. Domitilla herself was forced to prove her free birth and Roman citizenship several times.
(c. 16 - 59 CE)
Agrippina the Younger was the daughter of general Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder. Her son was Neron, whom she placed on the Roman throne with the help of intrigue.
(? - 84 CE)
Pomponia Graecina lived in the 1st century CE. She was the wife of the Roman commander and conqueror of Britain Aulus Plautius. She was accused in 57 CE of professing "foreign superstition", which is often associated with Christianity.
(31 January 36 BCE - 1 May 37 CE)
Antonia the Younger was the daughter of Mark Antony and Octavia the Younger. Wife of Drusus the Elder and mother of Germanicus and the future emperor Claudius.