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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Army)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Polybolos – ancient Greek machine gun?

In the world of ancient military, the Greeks and Romans perfected siege art, constructing machines that were awakened by the battlefields. One of the most fascinating inventions of those times was polybolos – a weapon, which can be called the prototype of modern machine guns.

On the left, the reconstruction of polybolos at the Museum in Saalburg (Germany)

Aerarium militare – fund for Roman legionaries

Aerarium militare, founded by Emperor Octavian Augustus in 6 CE, was one of the key pillars of the military and financial stability of the Roman Empire. This fund was used to pay pensions to veterans of the Roman legions, constituting a pioneering support system for soldiers. Its creation aimed to minimise social unrest among veterans and ensure fair payment after leaving the service.

Roman legionaries on relief

Adlocutio – speech by Roman leader to his soldiers

Adlocutio, the speech of a Roman commander to his soldiers, was one of the most important public acts in the army of ancient Rome. It was both a formal speech and a gesture of power that demonstrated the strength of the leader’s authority. The emperor, general, or other senior commander addressed the assembled army to motivate, inspire, or convey orders before battle.

Statue of Octavian from Prima Porta

Art of healing in Roman army – how did ancient Rome take care of wounded soldiers?

In ancient Rome, war was an integral part of life, and the Roman army enjoyed a reputation as one of the best-organized military forces in history. To maintain their power on the battlefield, the Romans also had to develop medical skills that allowed them to effectively treat wounded soldiers and ensure a quick return to combat. Field medicine in ancient Rome was therefore a key element of their war strategy.

Roman medical tools found in grave

Roman military diplomas – path to Imperial citizenship

In ancient Rome, during its many years of existence, the army played a key role in conquests, maintaining order, and spreading the empire’s influence. However, with Rome’s expansion, the need to recruit soldiers from various regions and cultures led to the formation of special auxiliary units. These soldiers, often not Roman citizens, had their own path to citizenship through receiving a Roman military diploma.

Roman legions became a model for the later organization of tactical associations in the army

Roman army – bloody, brutal, vengeful…

While we marvel at Rome’s achievements – architecture, mosaics, frescoes, literature and law – the truth is painful: the vast empire was not created by extraordinary coincidence, and the peoples incorporated into it were not consulted. Therefore, although later millions of people living in the Mediterranean basin benefited from the benefits of the Pax Romana and relatively rarely rebelled, this happened only after their ancestors paid with their own blood for the “privilege” of living under the heel of the Romans.

In the photo, a reenactment group of "Roman legionaries" during a historical picnic at the Maxentius Hippodrome in October 2018

Latrine in Roman camp

According to archaeologists, in Britain, as many as 40% of Roman military camps have preserved traces of latrines. The most famous toilet is the one made of stone in Housesteads, England, at Hadrian’s wall, which could accommodate more “military”. This type of latrine was most often placed close to the place where the hill fell (the Romans located their camps on elevated terrain), which enabled the natural outflow of waste, relative hygiene and removal of bad smells.

Latrine in Roman camp

Roman camp – work of soldier

Roman camp (castrum Romanum) was characterized by excellent workmanship. It was built of wood, and the work force was legionnaires. It should be noted that the Romans were characterized by excellent building skills.

Drawing showing the marching camp of the Romans. Illustration in Florián de Ocampo's book from 1852

Duel to end the war?

In the years 421-422, the Eastern Roman Empire waged another war with the Sassanid State. The troops, led by magister militum per orientem Ardabur, entered Persian Mesopotamia but were quickly driven back by superior Persian forces.

Photo showing a Parthian cataphract from the 2nd century CE and Armenian from the 3rd century CE

Fimbrian legions

In 67 BCE Lucius Licinius Lucullus was recalled to Rome, and Pompey the Great became the commander of the Roman armies fighting in the east. Lucullus was disliked by the soldiers for being stingy and for limiting their ability to plunder. Most of all, however, he was hated by the Fimbrian legionnaires – veterans with more than 20 years of service behind them.

Roman legionary from the 1st century BCE

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