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Discovered artifact from 2017 may be part of Antikythera mechanism

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Missing piece of Antikythera Mechanism discovered
Brett Seymour / EUA/ARGO

In 2017, scientists discovered an intriguing disk-shaped artifact on the bottom of the Aegean Sea. As it turned out, it could be another element of the fascinating antique mechanism from Antikythera mechanism.

The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient mechanical device designed to calculate the position of celestial bodies. Discovered in the wreck near the Greek island Antikythera, between Kithira and Crete, dated 150-100 BCE. Until the 18th century clocks, no mechanism of a similar degree of complexity is known.

The discovery took place in 1902, when the archaeologist Valerios Stais noticed that the corroded lump of bronze extracted from the wreck a year earlier contained a gear. As it turned out, there was one of many parts of the larger mechanism.

Discovered object in 2017 – made of bronze – is 8cm long. The x-ray examination revealed a bull-shaped engraving, suggesting references to astrology. Still, this is not decisive evidence and scientists need to carry out further research.

  • Missing Piece of the World’s Oldest Analog Computer Found on Aegean Seabed, "The Vintage News", 17 November 2018

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