New type of amphorae was discovered in Roman shipwreck
A new type of amphora was discovered in the wreck of a Roman ship found off the coast of Majorca. The vessel remains are located 65 meters from the shore, near the capital of Majorca – Palma.
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All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
A new type of amphora was discovered in the wreck of a Roman ship found off the coast of Majorca. The vessel remains are located 65 meters from the shore, near the capital of Majorca – Palma.
A new exhibition has been opened in the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, where you can see four plaster casts of the bodies of the victims of Vesuvius up close. As park director Gabriel Zuchtriegel says: “The casts of the victims show us the agony of the people who died during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79”.
An ancient construction site was discovered in Pompeii. The discovery took place in the domus in Regio IX (insula 10). The finds include: construction tools, stacked tiles, bricks and lime.
In December 2023, 13 terracotta figurines were discovered in Pompeii, which are approximately 15 cm high. They depict human figures, a walnut, an almond, a rooster’s head and, among others, pine cone. The objects were discovered in a vertical position on a horizontal surface, probably a shelf, which in turn hung 2 meters above the ground.
In December 2013, the remains of a Roman bakery were discovered in Pompeii. The facility had small barred windows and there were directions on the floor for the movement of donkeys and slaves.
Another fantastic discovery was made in Pompeii – beautifully decorated house walls were unearthed from the ground. According to researchers, the fresco shows a mythological scene – the siblings Phryxus and Helle, during a tragic event.
On the site of the former Roman fort Legio in Galilee (Israel), the remains of the walls of an arena were discovered, the walls of which were painted red.
Four Roman swords and a spearhead were discovered in good condition in caves near the Dead Sea in Israel.
A silver ‘toilet spoon’ from Roman times has been discovered in Wales. The silver spoon was used to scoop cosmetics and medicines by ancient physicians.
A 2,000-year-old “Tomb of Cerberus” with many very well-preserved frescoes was discovered in Italy. Initial assessments suggest that the tomb dates back to approximately 2,000 years ago, from the Republican and Imperial Roman era.