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Discoveries and news in Rome

All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.

Roman cemetery in Damascus was discovered

In 2016, a limestone cemetery dating back to Roman times was discovered in the city of Rakhleh in the Qatana region of Syria (40 km west of Damascus). The discoverer is a farmer who came across the tomb while working in the field.

Roman cemetery in Damascus

New projects in Ostia Antica

In the coming months, projects will be implemented in the port of Ostia Antica, in which the Italian government, private organizations and international universities will actively participate. Ostia was a large port of ancient Rome that received huge shipments of grain, wine and olive oil from North Africa and South Italy to feed one million of the city’s inhabitants.

Theatrical mask

Illegal dump litter Roman catacombs

Italian police are investigating after an underground “lake” of the spilt oil has been found in the Roman catacombs along the Apian Road. The place has been secured by the police.

Illegal dump site in the catacombs

Roman tavern discovered

The tavern, which was covered in 2016, is located in Lattara (now Lattes), an ancient port in the south of France, which was known to scientists earlier from ancient sources, but only recognized in 1963.

Roman tavern

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