Remains of Roman amphitheater have been found
The remains of a Roman amphitheater were found near the Portuguese town of Marvo.
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All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
The remains of a Roman amphitheater were found near the Portuguese town of Marvo.
In the Judean Desert, four perfectly preserved Roman swords and a fragment of a pilum were discovered in a hard-to-reach cave in the En Gedi nature reserve. Israeli archaeologists accidentally found the weapons hidden in a rock niche while examining an Old Hebrew inscription on one of the stalactites. The discovery was announced on 6 September 2023 by the Israel Antiquities Authority. Dating probably from the 2nd century CE, the weapons were hidden in a cave in an area of inaccessible cliffs by the Dead Sea.
An object believed for hundreds of years to be lost or completely destroyed by earthquakes or invasions by Rome’s enemies has been found and partially excavated. Scientists have found the remains of the famous Theater of Nero (Theatrum Neroni), from which, according to legend, he watched the fire of Rome. It was called on his order so that the ruler could build a larger and more beautiful palace for himself. In this place, he was also supposed to practice singing, acting skills and punish people in many ways.
Remains of a Roman ship discovered in Serbia. The discovery took place during mining works carried out in the Drmno open-pit mine (north-eastern Serbia), which is located near the Danube.
In western Germany, in Paderborn, traces of the presence of Roman troops and a marching camp were confirmed. This is evidenced by the discovery of two field kilns in which bread could be baked. In addition to the furnace, the remains of Roman amphorae for wine were also found.
A silver disk depicting a winged ancient Medusa has been discovered in England. The object is almost 1,800 years old and was discovered in Vindolanda, in the former Roman auxilia camp.
Roman marble head discovered in Rome. The discovery took place in the area of excavations carried out in Piazza Augusto Imperatore. The object appears to be of a young woman. Currently, the process of cleaning and examination of the find is underway.
A treasure of 175 silver Roman coins has been discovered in a forest in Tuscany, Italy. The coins date back to 82 BCE, i.e. the time when a bloody civil war took place in Italy, in which Lucius Cornelius Sulla seized power in Rome.
An operation is underway to recover the wreck of a Roman ship from the 4th century CE, off the coast of Misiliscemi, in the area of Trapani, in western Sicily. 500,000 euros have been allocated for the action and the expected time of extraction of the artifact is 270 days.
Roman mausoleum and well-preserved floor mosaics have been discovered in southern London. According to the researchers, people from the upper social classes were buried in this place.