Statue of Celtic deity found
Archaeologists have come across numerous artifacts in Cambridgeshire (England). Among them, was found 2000 years old statue of Celtic deity Cernunnos.
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Archaeologists have come across numerous artifacts in Cambridgeshire (England). Among them, was found 2000 years old statue of Celtic deity Cernunnos.
Researchers in Israel examined a Roman find from years ago – a ring – which apparently belonged to Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect of Judea who supervised the process and crucifixion of Christ.
In North Lincolnshire, near Winterton, in England, a large Roman cemetery from Roman times was discovered. In its area more than 60 burials have been found, which are dated to the 2nd – 4th century CE.
In 2017, scientists discovered an intriguing disk-shaped artifact on the bottom of the Aegean Sea. As it turned out, it could be another element of the fascinating antique mechanism from Antikythera mechanism.
In East Yorkshire (England), the remains of the early Roman settlement were found. Interestingly, only ruins from the 3rd to 4th century CE have been discovered in this region until now.