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Restored laundry can be visited in Pompeii

This post is also available in: Polish (polski)

Fullonica di Stephanus
Fullonica di Stephanus | Photo: Michał Kubicz

Tourists visiting Pompeii will have the opportunity to see the ancient public laundry, which was opened to the public after renovation.

Dirty clothes were left in the facility (the so-called Fullonica di Stephanus), which were then cleaned and bleached with urine. Fragments of frescoes and floor mosaics showing birds, flowers, and other scenes have survived to our times. The launderette had large washing tubs, stone dyeing bowls, and a clothes press.

In addition to the laundry, five other buildings (La Casa di Paquius Proculus, la Casa del Sacerdos Amandus, la Casa di Fabius Amandio, and la Casa dell’Efebo) were opened to the public and were also included in the renovation plans. The restoration of the building was possible thanks to the support of the European Union, which allocated approximately EUR 100 million for this purpose.

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