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If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: Secret History

Procopius of Caesarea

A review of the book "Secret History", whose author Procopius of Caesarea described the rule of the famous imperial couple - Justinian and his wife Theodora.

Secret History

Review: Hannibal. Enemy of Rome

Ben Kane

The book "Hannibal. Enemy of Rome" by Ben Kane is the first part of a new series, in which this time we will be transported to one of the most amazing periods in history. This time the author decided to focus on the times of the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE) and the rivalry between the hated enemies of Rome and Carthage.

Ben Kane, Hannibal. Enemy of Rome

Review: Vespasian. Rome’s Lost Son

Robert Fabbri

The book "Vespasian. Rome's Lost Son" by Robert Fabbri is the sixth volume of the novel series telling the adventures and story of Vespasian's coming to power in the Roman Empire.

Vespasian. Rome's Lost Son

Review: Silver Eagle

Ben Kane

The historical novel "Silver Eagle" by Ben Kane is the second of three volumes of the trilogy, which takes place during the fall of the republic, in the 1st century BCE. The book is a continuation of the amazing story of the heroes of the "Forgotten Legion". Friends Romulus, Brennus and Tarquin struggle to survive on Parthia's eastern frontier after being taken captive by their defeat at Carrhae; while the beautiful Fabiola must survive in the extremely dangerous and cruel Rome in the 50s of the 1st century BCE.

Silver Eagle - Ben Kane

Review: The Celts: A History

Daithi O'Hogain

In his book, Mr. Daithi O'Hogain (1949 - 2011), with the most Irish-sounding name and surname, served his readers with a cross-sectional account of the history of his ancestors, i.e. the Celts. He described it in a book with the telling title "The Celts: A History".

The Celts: A History

Review: The World of Late Antiquity

Peter Brown

Mr. Peter Brown once wrote a book "The World of Late Antiquity", in which, despite its small size, he presented the last stage of the long and beautiful ancient era, which stretched from about 200 CE (i.e. the time of the historian Cassius Dio) until the turn of the VIII and 9th century CE (times of the reign of Caliph Rashid Al-Harun of the Abbasid dynasty), which is a bit further than the subtitle of the book suggests.

The World of Late Antiquity

Review: Vespasian. False God of Rome

Robert Fabbri

The book "Vespasian. False God of Rome" is the third part of the cycle devoted to Vespasian, the founder of the Flavian dynasty and the initiator of the construction of the magnificent amphitheater - the Colosseum. The action of the third volume takes place during the reign of young Caligula, who takes over the reign after the death of his uncle - Tiberius.

Vespasian. False God of Rome

Review: Vespasian. Rome’s Executioner

Robert Fabbri

The book "Vespasian. Rome's Executioner" is the second part of the series dedicated to Vespasian, the founder of the Flavian dynasty and the initiator of the construction of the magnificent amphitheater - the Colosseum. The second volume tells the story of a young knight who, while serving in the legions, also takes part in a deadly and dangerous political game.

Vespasian. Rome's Executioner

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