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The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Tacitus Unveiled: Reevaluating Unpopular Theories on Jewish Origins

The origins of the Jewish people have been a topic of discussion throughout history, characterized by complexity and sometimes bias. In today’s era, armed with numerous historical sources, we can more accurately trace their ethnic roots. However, in the early days, especially during the classical period, historians grappled with the challenge of unraveling this enigma. Tacitus, a prominent historical figure, delves into this question in his significant work The Histories, Book V, composed around 110 CE. In this narrative, Tacitus explores various theories and possible interpretations of Jewish origins, including some less emphasized ones that offer intriguing classical perspectives. While the final explanation provided by Tacitus is often cited, these lesser-known interpretations provide a nuanced and complex view of classical thought on the Jewish exodus, adding an interesting layer to a forgotten past.

Image shows modern Jerusalem, a place mentioned in the article that has a historical connection to the Jewish people

Two emperors on one throne: Pupienus and Balbinus

In the Roman Empire in the 3rd century CE there were many times when the throne was usurped and several emperors ruled at the same time. One day in 238, however, an extraordinary event occurred in Rome. The Senate elected two emperors at once and ordered them to rule together. Who were these two distinguished people?

Emperors Pupienus and Balbinus on Roman coins

Rome 2.0, or how the Renaissance rediscovered antiquity

When the Germanic leader Odoacer dethroned the minor emperor Romulus Augustus in 476, the Roman Empire effectively ceased to exist. With this event, many achievements of antiquity were lost – some irretrievably, others fell into oblivion for hundreds of years. It was only with the advent of the Renaissance that changes in European communities were so serious that they returned to the achievements of the ancient Romans on a larger scale. So what were the causes and consequences of the Renaissance?

Statue of Antinous

Pets of ancient Romans

Almost everyone likes animals. Most of us probably once had or currently have a pet. In this matter, we are almost no different from the ancient Romans, who also had their animal friends, not only those that are most popular today, such as dogs or cats, but also parrots, snakes, lions, bears, and even monkeys.

Fresco depicting a bird, Villa of the Empress Poppea, Torre Annunziata, Italy

How well do you know stories and events from Roman sources? [QUIZ]

If there were no preserved Roman sources, our knowledge of ancient Rome would not be so complete. Some of the stories seem to be fantasy, others reflect the seriousness of events and present facts unknown to us. Check how much you know about the events from the Roman world described by ancient writers.

Bust of an older man – the so-called patrician Torlonia. Considered to be a likeness of Cato the Elder

How much do you know about Roman emperors? [QUIZ]

The history of ancient Rome is over 1000 years of continuity of a state organism that had its beginnings as a small settlement in central Italy, on the Tiber. However, what is usually most interesting is the time of the reign of the Roman emperors, which are associated with numerous events and, above all, scandals. Check how much you know about Roman emperors!


How much do you know about Roman legions? [QUIZ]

To this day, the Roman legions are considered one of the best armies in the history of mankind. Disciplined, brave and deadly effective Roman troops were able to defeat many times a much more numerous enemy. Check how much you know about the legions of Rome!

Republic period legionary | Photo credit: Joseph Qiu

“Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny” – Antikythera mechanism and Polybius square

From June 30, in cinemas, you can see the latest part about one of the most popular film archaeologists – Indiana Jones – in the movie “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny”. Interestingly, for the first time in this Hollywood historical production, the subject of ancient Rome was touched upon, which is of particular interest to me. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the comparison of the interpretation created for the film by the screenwriters, the history of the Antikythera Mechanism, with what we can find in historical sources or the latest archaeological research.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

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