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Battles of ancient Rome

Ancient Rome, a highly expansionistic empire, was involved in many wars. Led by brilliant generals, highly trained and superbly equipped Roman forces could win against an enemy army twice as strong in numbers. There were, of course, some defeats, like the battles of Cannae or Teutoburg Forest.The Roman armies have already confirmed their imperial status at the beginning of the 2nd century BCE, by massacring the Macedonian army at Cynoscephalae in Thessaly, in 197 BCE. Seven years later Roman legions defeated, at Magnesia in Asia Minor, armies of the Seleucid, considered the prime power of the Hellenic world. Thus the legions proved themselves the finest army in the region. The decline of legions’ power became apparent in the 3rd century of the Common Era. Eventually, the ‘Germanisation’ of the Roman army and consequential loss of fighting prowess resulted in the fall of both army and the Roman state.

Battle of Tigranocerta

(6 October 69 BCE)

Battle of Tigranocerta (69 BCE) was a clash between the Roman army led by Lucullus and the Armenians led by Tigranes II.

Mitrydates VI Eupator

Siege of Brundisium

(49 BCE)

In 49 BCE Julius Caesar besieged the armies of Pompey and himself at Brundisium, in the south of Italy. Gnaeus Pompey needed his ships to be able to evacuate to the Balkan Peninsula.

Portrait of Caesar of Tusculum

Battle of Vercellae

(30 July 101 BCE)

Battle of Vercellae was an armed clash between the legions led by Gaius Marius and the forces of the Germanic Cimbri tribe.

Battle of Vercellae

Battle of Ad Decimum

(13 September 533 CE)

Battle of Ad Decimum was the first battle fought in the Roman campaign in Africa in 533-534. It was of great importance for the efforts to regain the African provinces. The Vandal Army was significantly depleted with negligible losses.

Belisarius on the mosaic

Battle of Munda

(45 BCE)

Battle of Munda (45 BCE) was the last episode of the war between the Romans. Eventually, Caesar's absolute domination in Roman politics was established and the anti-Caesarian opposition virtually disappeared.

Battle of Munda

Sea Battle of Mylae

(260 BCE)

Sea battle of Mylae (260 BCE) was fought between the Roman fleet and the Carthaginian fleet during the First Punic War. The Roman side won.

Tyrrhenian Sea, near Sicily

Battle of Argentoratum

(357 CE)

Battle of Argentoratum (357 CE) was a clash between the Roman troops led by Emperor Julian the Apostate with the Gauls who invaded the territory of the Empire.

Roman soldier of the 4th century CE

Battle of Watling Street

(61 CE)

Battle of Watling Street (61 CE) was the decisive clash of the Boudica uprising. The small Roman army smashed the overwhelming power of the Britons.

Watling Street marked in red

Battle of Gergovia

(52 BCE)

Battle of Gergovia (52 BCE) took place between the Roman army led by Julius Caesar and the insurgent Gallic army led by Vercingetorix.


Battle of Aquae Sextiae

(102 BCE)

Battle of Aquae Sextiae (102 BCE) was a great victory for Roman troops led by consul Gaius Marius over the tribe of Teutons.

John Harris Valda, Battle of Aquae Sextiae

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