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Biographies of Romans (Emperors)

In the history of ancient Rome, appeared many famous figures. Many of them have been remembered as cruel tyrants, eg. Caligula, Nero or Caracalla. Others, on the other hand, became famous as great reformers: Augustus, Claudius, Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian, and Constantine the Great. Also, do not forget about the Roman commanders, who often rescued the Roman state from extermination.

The great creators of Roman culture who also significantly influenced the further development of the world were also remembered. I will present people who have become famous for their great deeds.

Marcus Salvius Otho

(28 April 32 - 16 April 69 CE)

Marcus Salvius Otho, after the murder of Galba, became the Roman emperor as a candidate of praetorians. He was the emperor from January to April 69 CE.

Marcus Salvius Otho


(218 - 268 CE)

Gallienus was a Roman emperor who reigned in the years 253-268 CE. Gaul is one of the most outstanding rulers of Rome.

Roman bust of emperor Gallienus

Flavius ​​Honorius

(9 September 384 - 15 August 423 CE)

Flavius ​​Honorius was a Western Roman emperor who reigned in the years 395-423 CE. After Theodosius' death, he and his brother Arcadius took power in the Empire.

Flavius ​​Honorius or Valens

Valentinian I

(3 July 321 - 18 November 375 CE)

Valentinian I was a Roman emperor in the years 364-375 CE. He ruled the western and eastern parts of the empire; over time, he handed over the rule in the eastern part to his brother - Valens. After a few years, he appointed Gratian as co-emperor. He died of nervousness.

Valentinian I

Libius Severus

(c. 420 - 15 August 465 CE)

Libius Severus was a Roman emperor who was in fact under the influence of a barbarian leader, Ricimer.

Libius Severus

Clodius Albinus

(c. 150 - 19 February 197 CE)

Clodius Albinus was a Roman emperor who reigned in the years 196-197 CE as a usurper. Appointed by troops in Gaul and Spain.

Clodius Albinus


(27 May 189 - 26 February 212 CE)

Geta was a Roman emperor; he co-ruled with his father in the years 209-211 CE and with Caracalla in 211-212 CE. Murdered on the orders of his brother Caracalla, died in the arms of his mother.



(c. 230 - 253 CE)

Volusianus was born in about 230 CE and was the son of Emperor Trebonian Gallus, with whom he co-ruled the Roman state in the years 251-253 CE.


Emperor Tacitus

(200 - 276 CE)

The Roman emperor Tacitus ruled in 275-276 CE. Tacitus was to cooperate with the senate and initiated many reforms. In addition, he honored the tragically deceased Aurelian with numerous statues, and punished his murderers.

Emperor Tacitus


(c. 210 - October 253 CE)

Roman emperor Aemilianus ruled for several months in 253 CE. Raised to purple by his faithful legions, he overthrew the legal ruler Trebonian Gallus and assumed the throne of Rome for 88 days. The changeling was overthrown by the heir - Valerian.

Emperor Aemilianus

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