(5th - 4th century BCE)
Makrobiusz był to rzymski pisarz i filozof neoplatoński, żyjący i tworzący na przełomie IV i V wieku n.e.
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In the history of ancient Rome, appeared many famous figures. Many of them have been remembered as cruel tyrants, eg. Caligula, Nero or Caracalla. Others, on the other hand, became famous as great reformers: Augustus, Claudius, Marcus Aurelius, Diocletian, and Constantine the Great. Also, do not forget about the Roman commanders, who often rescued the Roman state from extermination.
The great creators of Roman culture who also significantly influenced the further development of the world were also remembered. I will present people who have become famous for their great deeds.
(c. 185/4 – 159 BCE)
Publius Terence Afer was a Roman comedy writer whose work was popular not only in ancient Rome but also in the Middle Ages and later. Terence used elegant Latin, and in his works, he focused primarily on man, his personality and reactions to entanglement in everyday and unusual problems.
(116 - 27 BCE)
Marcus Terentius Varro was a Roman scholar and writer. A true erudite, considered one of the best educated people in the history of ancient Rome.
(1st century BCE)
Publilius Syrus lived in the 1st century BCE. He was a Roman writer, mime artist, theater representative and creator of a sentences. He wrote in Latin.