The amazing face of an inhabitant of Pompeii who died in 79 CE as a result of the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano.
It is worth noting that the victim’s teeth were in excellent condition and proving that the ancient diet consisting of a small amount of sugar and a lot of vegetables allowed for good dental care.
The shape of the body of a Pompeian inhabitant has been preserved thanks to the method of Giuseppe Fiorelli. In 1864, the workers, who were ordered by Giuseppe Fiorelli – then the director of excavations in Pompeii – to inform him about everything, noticed a skeleton lying in one of the alleys. Only the skull was excavated – the body and clothes decomposed, leaving the bones in the empty space, limited by petrified ash. Fiorelli came to the conclusion that pouring liquid stucco through a small hole into this space, it would recreate the shape of the body. Through a small hole, he poured stucco plaster, which filled the entire empty space. After setting the plaster, he removed the layer of ash, revealing casts of bodies, objects, building elements, etc.