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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Roman vessel from golden glass
Roman golden glass vessel with a hunting scene. Object dated to the 3rd century CE and is housed in the Cleveland Art Museum in the USA.
Fayum portrait of girl
Fayum portrait of a girl adorned with jewelry: a necklace, earrings and a pendant on her head. Object dated to the 2nd century CE; found in the Havara necropolis, on Fayum oasis in northern Egypt.
Sculpture of Roman general
Sculpture of a Roman general from the 2nd century CE, made of white marble. The figure depicted was holding in his left hand a shield decorated with the image of a Gorgon / Medusa.
Roman sarcophagus of 10-year-old girl
Roman sarcophagus where a 10-year-old girl is buried with her musical instruments. The object was found in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) and it is situated in the Valkhof Museum.
Roman helmet of Montefortino type
Roman helmet of the Montefortino type, dated to the 4th-3rd century BCE. The object is made of bronze and is located in the Parco Archeologico di Lilibeo in Marsala (Sicily).
Wreck of Roman ship from Sicily
In 1999, a Roman merchant ship from the 3rd century CE was discovered near the Sicilian city of Trapani. The object was at a depth of less than two meters – 150 meters from the shore. The object was not excavated from the sea until 2011 and underwent conservation. Since 2015, the artefact is in the Parco Archeologico di Lilibeo in Marsala (Sicily).
Wreck of Punic warship from Marsala
In 1971, the remains of a Punic military ship were discovered in the port of the Sicilian city of Marsala. They are the oldest surviving remains of this type. Researchers refer to the ship as “Punta Scario” and believe it was either a reconnaissance vessel or was used to tare smaller boats.
Roman copy of Greek sculpture depicting warrior
Roman copy of a Greek sculpture from the 5th century BCE. Scientists date the object to the years of the Severian dynasty (193-235 CE). The sculpture shows the naked body of a male warrior, with a garment in his left hand and a shoulder strap to hold the scabbard and weapons (balteo). The artifact is in the Parco Archeologico di Lilibeo in Marsala (Sicily).