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Brief history of title changes of governor of Judea in 1st century CE

This post is also available in: Polish (polski)

A replica of the so-called Pilate's Stone, Caesarea Maritima, the original is in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem
A replica of the so-called Pilate's Stone, Caesarea Maritima, the original is in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem

The title praefectus Judeae was held by the Roman governors of Judea from 6 CE. Then, after removing the son of Herod the Great – the ethnarch of Samaria, Idumea, and Judea – Herod Archelaos (4 BCE – 6 CE)1 from power and accession Quirinius for the implementation of the census ordered by the emperor Octavian Augustus riots broke out. They were used by Judah the Galilean, who led an uprising against Rome and founded together with the Zadok the Pharisee the Zealot party2. He himself died during the uprising.

The title praefectus Judeae was in force until 41 CE when the emperor Claudius removed the incumbent prefect and installed King Herod Agrippa I as ruler. After his death3 Judea became directly subject to Rome again and then Cuspius Fadus became governor, but the title of his office was procurator. The governors were entitled to this title until the outbreak of the Jewish uprising of 66-74 CE, in which Josef ben Matatia, commonly known as Joseph Flavius, actively participated. After the war, Judea became an independent Roman province and began to be governed by a praetorian governor.

Author: Piotr Szuba (translated from Polish: Jakub Jasiński)
  1. The years of the reign of Herod Archelaus
  2. A political and religious group that set itself the goal of fighting the Romans and their Jewish collaborators.
  3. He died in 44 CE.
  • Józef Flawiusz, Wojna żydowska, Warszawa 2022
  • Józef Flawiusz, Dawne dzieje Izraela, Warszawa 2001
  • Publiusz Korneliusz Tacyt, Roczniki, Kraków 2022
  • Mateusz Byra Powstanie w Judei 66-74 n.e. Kocewia Mała 2022
  • Wikipedia

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