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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Roman sexual terms

Naturally, ancient Romans also had their own expressions for all sexual activities. For example, the word cinaede meant a person who was anally penetrated.

Roman fresco showing sex

Idea of martyrdom

Christianity in its origins differed quite significantly from what we know in its present form, although the idea of ​​martyrdom raises vivid emotions among the faithful to this day and is still through it appreciated and praised.

Cross in front of the Colosseum


Sponsiones were ceremonial promises, sureties and collaterals. Simply put, it was a verbal contract where one party asked the other if the other party promised to fulfil a certain benefit. If that person agreed, a bet was placed.

The face of Emperor Claudius I.

Gesture manus fica

The manus fica (“fig sign”) gesture, popular especially in Italy and southern Europe (even Turkey), dates back to the times of ancient Rome. The gesture consists of placing the hand in such a way that the thumb is between the index and middle fingers.

Manus Fica

Roman skyscrapers

In 1884, the first skyscraper was built in Chicago, USA. It was 42 meters high. Shortly afterwards, the New York World Building exceeded a hundred meters. In both cases, however, it was only an imitation of the ancient Romans. The first skyscrapers grew in ancient Rome. They were insulae, including the most famous of them, the real miracle and singularity of the city – Insula Felicles.

Roman tenement house

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