Scientists have discovered 1,600-year-old frescoes of Christians
In Rome’s largest and oldest catacombs, researchers have discovered 1,600-year-old frescoes by early Christians.
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All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
In Rome’s largest and oldest catacombs, researchers have discovered 1,600-year-old frescoes by early Christians.
In 2017, scientists discovered cat’s paw prints on a Roman roof tile from the 1st century CE. The discovery took place in eastern England, during construction work for a new road.
Beautiful virtual reconstruction of the Celsus Library in Ephesus (Turkey). There is no certainty as to the colour of the building, but it seems that red and white were one of the possibilities.
Every year in Nimes (France) a spectacular reconstruction of the Roman Games takes place in a preserved ancient amphitheatre. In the film you can see what attractions awaited the viewers who sat in the audience of the preserved Roman building.
In 2017, in the Netherlands, archaeologists discovered Roman coins from the late period of the state’s existence. The find was excavated from the ground in the central-eastern part of the country.
A 1,800-year-old Roman bust has sold for nearly $1 million at an auction organized by the Denver Art Museum in the US.
In the vicinity of Hadrian’s Wall, a preserved stone game board was found, which was used by soldiers during their military service.
In eastern Turkey, a Roman mosaic dating back to the 4th century CE was discovered in 2017. The find was in Adiyaman province.
During the construction works carried out in 2017 on the Roman metro line (C), the remains of a hitherto unknown building from the 3rd century CE were found.