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Discoveries and news in Rome
All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
Criminal techniques allowed to discover differences in appearance of inhabitants of Italy
Forensic techniques used to unravel modern crime mysteries helped American anthropologists discover the differences in the appearance of the inhabitants of Roman Italy in the third century CE.
New chambers have been discovered under Basilica di Santa Croce in Jerusalem
In 2017, under the Basilica di Santa Croce in Jerusalem, new chambers were discovered, which were supposedly built in the 4th century CE. They were part of the domusHelena – the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine I.
Roman diplomas showing military career in Roman fleet have been discovered
In northern England, in 2017, in the Roman fort of Lanchester, a Roman military diploma was found, presenting a military career in the war fleet of a Roman. The lucky finder of the object was Mark Houston.
Roman sarcophagus discovered in London
In 2017, in Swan Street, London (England), a Roman sarcophagus was found. The discovery took place during construction works for 64 new houses.
Reader of IMPERIUM ROMANUM made discovery in England
One of the readers of IMPERIUM ROMANUM made an unusual discovery. In the county of Lancashire – exactly near the town of Clitheroe – in England, he discovered an incomplete Roman copper brooch. As it turned out, the object is dated to the 1st-2nd century CE.
Remains of Roman villa and baths have been discovered in England
Remains of a Roman villa and baths have been discovered near the village of Trosley, in south-east England. The excavations could start with the consent of the landowner.
Discovery of young treasure hunter
A young treasure hunter, David Hall from Livingston (Scotland), in 2014, at the age of 14, discovered a Roman treasure in Fife.