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Discoveries and news in Rome
All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
In Bulgaria, Polish archaeologists discovered fragment of document confirming granting of Roman citizenship
In Novae (Bulgaria), within the Roman camp, a fragment of a document confirming the granting of citizenship to a soldier serving in a local unit was found.
In Devon was discovered slaughterhouse from Roman times
In Ipplepen, in the county of Devon (south-western England), scientists discovered the remains of a slaughterhouse that dates back to the 4th century CE.
Famous skeletons from Modena belonged to men
Scientists have proved that the famous skeletons discovered in Modena (northern Italy) belonged to a pair of men. Those human remains are unique because of the fact that those belonged to people holding each other by hand.
Roman cauldron discovered in Norway
In Norway, a bronze cauldron was discovered, which, as it turned out, comes from the Roman Empire. The cremated corpse of a deceased person was placed in the object.
Polish treasure hunter discovered Roman coin of Marcus Aurelius Nigrinianus
Mr. Mariusz Ciepluch – Polish detectorist – made an amazing find in England. Let’s give the voice to the finder himself.
In Serbia, burial from 4th century CE was found
In the ancient town of Remesiana (now Bela Palanka, in south-eastern Serbia), the remains of a Roman burial were found. In total, 4 graves were discovered, which date back to the 4th century CE.
Are Roman coins in Poland faked?
Archaeologists from Warsaw University have analyzed Roman coins found in Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. Thanks to their research, they came to the conclusion that the coins do not come from the Roman Empire, as it has been thought so far, but were faked. Such information has been provided by the First News magazine on its website.