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Discoveries and news in Rome

All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.

Fragments of the Celtic chariot found

In southwest Wales, in the Pembrokeshire, fragments of a Celtic chariot were discovered in the field. The object is about 2, 000 years old and certainly was put to the grave together with the deceased. The discovery took place in February 2018; however, the information was not given to the media.

Celtic chariot fragments have been discovered

In Egypt, massive Roman building was discovered

Archaeologists have found the remains of a massive Roman building in the Egyptian city of Mit Rahin – 12 km of Cairo. The building contained a preserved Roman wash basin and a room, probably used for religious practices.

A large Roman bathtub found in a chamber used for religious practice in  the ancient Egyptian capital Memphis

Roman settlement found under British road

At the beginning of the year in North England, in North Yorkshire, a very interesting discovery was made. During construction works carried out on the A1 from London to Edinburgh (Scotland), the remains of a very early and rich Roman settlement were found.

Traces of the Roman urban center were found under the road

Roman school of gladiators in Pompeii restored

Eight years ago – as a result of heavy rains – the gladiator school in Pompeii collapsed. The following years, the scientists spent on conservation work. In the end, tourists can again admire the preserved monument. Schola Armaturarum can be visited on Thursdays.

The Roman school of gladiators in Pompeii was restored

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