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Discoveries and news in Rome

All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.

Roman electoral slogans discovered in Pompeii

In June this year, researchers found in Pompeii Roman electoral slogans that were written on stone slabs.

One slogan says: “Please, choose Elvio Sabino, a builder of a worthy state, a good man”. The inscription was painted in black and red colors; earlier the stone was painted white to hide previous slogans.

On another inscription we can read the name of the builder from the family of Albucii.

Roman election slogans were discovered in Pompeii

“Gladiator 2” is coming – sequel to famous blockbuster movie

Over the years, it was considered to continue the blockbuster movie from 2000 – “Gladiator” – in which the main role was played by Russel Crowe. The story of an enslaved Roman general who had to fight for his life in the arena will certainly be remembered for a long time. The enormous success of the film encouraged to continue the story.

Russell Crowe as General Maximus in Gladiator

Roman brooch from 1800 years ago discovered

A person with a metal detector discovered a 1800-year-old copper Roman brooch with a palindrome (the phrase sounding the same from left to right and from right to left) engraved on it – “RMA”. The discovery was made on the Isle of Wight, an island belonging to Great Britain.

1800 year old Roman brooch

Upcoming Museum Night in Rome

During the weekend, around 8 December, during the Italian feast “Annunciation”, museum night takes place in many Roman museums. Admission is for a nominal fee, but you have to be aware of queues.

Forum of Trajan

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