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Reviews (Other)

If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: “Warships of the Ancient World: 3000–500 BC”

Adrian K. Wood

At one time, Mr. Adrian K. Wood wrote a book about ancient ships, which he titled: "Warships of the Ancient World: 3000–500 BC", in which his companion as a good draftsman was, as always, a reliable master of the brush, Mr. Giuseppe Rava . This is a publication published in the traditional form for this type of works published by the famous British publishing house Osprey, which has specialized in publishing popular science works on military history for years.

Warships of the Ancient World: 3000–500 BC

Review: The Ancient Greeks

Moses I. Finley

A good introduction to the world of the ancient Greeks with some shortcomings. The book entitled "The Ancient Greeks" by Mr. Moses I. Finley (1912 - 1986) is the type of very informative introduction to the subject that rarely appears.

The Ancient Greeks

Review: Byzantium. The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire

Judith Herrin

Mrs. Judith Herrin - British researcher of the history of the Eastern Roman Empire, known more widely as Byzantium, offered her readers an unusual book about this very country. The title of this work, written under the influence of contacts with a non-specialized audience, is "Byzantium. The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire".

Byzantium. The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire

Review: 64 Secrets Still Ahead of Us

Jonathan Gray

The book "64 Secrets Still Ahead of Us" by Jonathan Gray is a position showing, as the name suggests, exactly 64 unique secrets of the ancient world, which are to prove that modern knowledge cannot be compared to that possessed by our ancient ancestors.

64 Secrets Still Ahead of Us

Review: The Celts: A History

Daithi O'Hogain

In his book, Mr. Daithi O'Hogain (1949 - 2011), with the most Irish-sounding name and surname, served his readers with a cross-sectional account of the history of his ancestors, i.e. the Celts. He described it in a book with the telling title "The Celts: A History".

The Celts: A History

Review: Byzantium

Peter Sarris

The book "Byzantium" by Peter Sarris is a position that tries to present the history and importance of the Byzantine Empire in a "compact" way. The book has 140 pages of content and is part of the "Short Introduction" series, in which outstanding specialists gathered around the University of Oxford try to explain the world and processes in an accessible way. The item was published by the University of Lodz Publishing House.


Review: Monstrosity and Philosophy. Radical Otherness in Greek and Latin Culture

Filippo Del Lucchese

The book "Monstrosity and Philosophy. Radical Otherness in Greek and Latin Culture" by Filippo Del Lucchese is about monsters in ancient culture and presents the views of ancient philosophers on this subject and related issues. The author's goal was to reconstruct the concept of "monstrosity" among ancient thinkers. The book was published by "Edinburgh University Press".

Monstrosity and Philosophy. Radical Otherness in Greek and Latin Culture

Review: The Romans Pop-Up

Andy and Maggie Hall

"The Romans Pop-Up" by Andy and Maggie Hall is a book aimed at younger readers who can recreate the scenery of ancient Rome and learn about its history by cutting and glueing.

The Romans Pop up

Review: Geometric Patterns from Roman Mosaics

Robert Field

The book "Geometric Patterns from Roman Mosaics" by Robert Field is, despite its small volume (about 60 pages), an extraordinary item. The Reader is provided with a list of more interesting Roman mosaics and at the same time a tutorial on creating ancient compositions on a sheet of paper.

Geometric Patterns from Roman Mosaics

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