Review: The Emperor Justinian and the Byzantine Empire
James Allan Evans
An attempt to assess Emperor Justinian and his reign, undertaken by the British historian James Allan Evans.
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James Allan Evans
An attempt to assess Emperor Justinian and his reign, undertaken by the British historian James Allan Evans.
Julian I
The author of this work is Julian, called the Apostate by posterity, who was a Roman emperor in the years 361-363 CE. and decided to evaluate his predecessors.
John Maddox Roberts
The book "The Temple of the Muses" by John Maddox Roberts is a detective story set in ancient Rome. The book is nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe (Edgar Awards), which is presented by the Mystery Writers of America organization.
Harry Sidebottom
The book "Warrior of Rome. The Amber Road" is the sixth and final part of Harry Sidebottom's historical novel published by Rebis. The action of the novel takes place in the year 264 CE and tells of the voyage of the title character, Ballista, north to Hyperborea, his home country. To top it all off, the Empire finds itself in a civil war when Postumus proclaims himself emperor of the western Roman provinces. Rightful August Galien must crush the rebellion and restore internal order.
Harry Sidebottom
The book "Caspian Gates" is the fourth part of a five-volume historical novel entitled "Warrior of Rome", in which the author Harry Sidebottom leads the fate of a Romanized Briton - Ballista - towards Asia Minor and the mountains of the Caucasus. The barbarian is sent by the emperor Galien with a mission to secure the passage through the mountain massif and stop the invasion of the barbarian Alamanni on the territory of Rome. Meanwhile, Balista has to deal with a huge earthquake in Ephesus and the invasions of the Goths in Asia Minor.
Douglas Jackson
The book "Valerius. Hero of Rome" is the first part of the historical novel by Douglas Jackson. The book takes us to the year 60 CE, when the Romans, under the command of the tribune Gaius Valerius Verrens, must face the rebellion of the Queen of the Britons, Boudica.
Henri-Irne Marrou
The book "A History Of Education In Antiquity" by Henri-Irne Marrou is a compendium of knowledge about upbringing and education over the centuries (X BCE - V century CE) in the era of antiquity (Greek and Roman), which is the result of the author's long research. The book was published by Aletheia publishing house.
Peter Heather
The book "The Fall of the Roman Empire" by Mr. Peter Heather is about the causes and the process of the fall of the Roman state.
Douglas Jackson
The book "Valerius. Defender of Rome" is the second part of the historical novel by Douglas Jackson. The book takes us to the year 63 CE, when the victorious Valerius is transferred to Rome, where he is to deal, on the emperor's orders, with the Christian sect and its leader, Peter.
Simon Scarrow
The book "Eagles of the Empire. Traitors of Rome" by Simon Scorrow is the 18th volume of the famous series, telling the story of friends: centurion Macro and tribune Cato. This time they are involved in a diplomatic operation aimed at going to the court of King Vologazes and establishing an agreement with the Parthians. The book was published by the publishing house Publicat.