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If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: The Life of Augustus

Nicolaus of Damascus

A contemporary of the times he describes, Nicholas of Damascus - the biographer of Emperor Augustus, gave us a portrait of the benefactor of the entire Roman world.

Octavian Augustus

Review: The Forgotten Legion

Ben Kane

The historical novel "The Forgotten Legion" by Ben Kane is the first of three volumes of the trilogy, the action of which takes place during the fall of the republic, in the 1st century BCE. The first thing that catches your eye when you pick up the book is its size. The over 600-page item with an extensive glossary of Latin terms is a great treat for anyone who would like to delve into the brutal world of the Romans on summer evenings.

The Forgotten Legion

Review: Falcon of Sparta

Conn Iggulden

The book "Falcon of Sparta" by Conn Iggulden is a historical novel telling the fate of Spartans and Greeks who, after enlisting in the army of Cyrus the Younger, are forced to return to their homeland through the vast lands of Persia. The plot of the book is based on the surviving work of Xenophon, the Greek historian, "Anabasis".

Falcon of Sparta, Conn Iggulden

Review: Religions of Rome

Mary Beard, John North, Simon Price

The book "Religions of Rome" by Mary Beard is a real treasury of knowledge about the beliefs of ancient Romans, as well as an attempt to look at Roman religion from a different perspective.

Religions of Rome

Review: Eagles of the Empire. Volume 13. Brothers in Blood

Simon Scarrow

The book "Eagles of the Empire. Volume 13. Brothers in Blood" by Simon Scarrow is another part of the adventures of Quintus Licinius Cato and Lucius Cornelius Macro, who this time must face a serious conspiracy that may lead to the defeat of Britain by Rome.

Eagles of the Empire. Volume 13. Brothers in Blood

Review: Last Days of Pompeii

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

The book "Last Days of Pompeii" by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - an English writer from the 19th century - is certainly an interesting position. The author, who worked as a writer, also dabbled in politics on a daily basis.

Last Days of Pompeii

Review: 64 Secrets Still Ahead of Us

Jonathan Gray

The book "64 Secrets Still Ahead of Us" by Jonathan Gray is a position showing, as the name suggests, exactly 64 unique secrets of the ancient world, which are to prove that modern knowledge cannot be compared to that possessed by our ancient ancestors.

64 Secrets Still Ahead of Us

Review: Mark of the Lion. Trilogy

Francine Rivers

The book "Mark of the Lion" is a trilogy describing the fate of heroes living in the 1st century CE. In the first two volumes, the main characters are Hadassah, a slave convert to Christianity, and Marcus, a wealthy Roman.

Mark of the Lion. Trilogy

Review: Beasts Beyond The Wall

Robert Low

The book "Beasts Beyond The Wall" by Robert Lee is the first book in the "Brothers Of The Sands" series. The plot tells the story of two former gladiators who are sent far to the north of Britain to find a woman and a child on a mysterious mission. The action takes place during the reign of Septimius Severus. The book was published by the REBIS publishing house.

Beasts Beyond The Wall

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