Battle of Gergovia
(52 BCE)
Battle of Gergovia (52 BCE) took place between the Roman army led by Julius Caesar and the insurgent Gallic army led by Vercingetorix.
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(52 BCE)
Battle of Gergovia (52 BCE) took place between the Roman army led by Julius Caesar and the insurgent Gallic army led by Vercingetorix.
(September 52 BCE)
Battle of Alesia (52 BCE) was further evidence that Julius Caesar was an outstanding commander. In Alesia, he had to face the simultaneous attacks of the besieged troops of Vercingetorix and the army of Gauls, coming to their rescue. The actions of the legions near Alesia constitute the largest siege operation in antiquity.
(49 BCE)
In 49 BCE Julius Caesar besieged the armies of Pompey and himself at Brundisium, in the south of Italy. Gnaeus Pompey needed his ships to be able to evacuate to the Balkan Peninsula.
(9 August 48 BCE)
Battle of Pharsalus (48 BCE) took place between Caesar and Pompey's army. The battle decided about Caesar's victory in the civil war.
(48 BCE)
Even the greatest of strategy geniuses needs a handful of luck to win. Gaius Julius Caesar, who is still considered one of the greatest generals in history, was not invincible. At one point in the civil war against Pompey, Caesar was only saved from defeat by a miraculous coincidence. How is it possible that this "god of war" came within a hair's breadth of tragedy? What decision saved him at the last minute?
(47 BCE)
Battle of Zela (47 BCE) took place during the struggle of the Romans with the king of Pontus Pharnakes II. Ultimately, Caesar achieved a significant victory, and the entire campaign lasted 5 days.
(46 BCE)
Battle of Ruspina and Thapsus (46 BCE) were the next stages of the civil war, having a key impact on the further history of the Roman Republic. The Battle of Ruspina almost did not end with Caesar's undoing, and the battle of Thapsus ultimately brought doom to many Pompeian officers and leaders (including Cato the Younger).
(3 and 23 October 42 BCE)
Battle of Philippi were actually two clashes in 42 BCE in eastern Macedonia, won by the combined forces of Mark Antony and Gaius Octavian, against Cassius Longinus and Marcus Brutus. The battle ended the lives of Caesar's murderers and temporarily stabilized the situation in a country torn by civil war.
(45 BCE)
Battle of Munda (45 BCE) was the last episode of the war between the Romans. Eventually, Caesar's absolute domination in Roman politics was established and the anti-Caesarian opposition virtually disappeared.
(2 September 31 BCE)
Battle of Actium (31 BCE) was a decisive battle in the civil war between Octavian and Antonius and the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who supported him.