The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
The “Berthouville Treasure” was accidentally discovered by a French farmer while plowing in northern France. The discovery came in March 1830 and the treasure found contained one of the most impressive collections of very well preserved Roman objects made of silver. This is the third such great find in history.
Rare Roman silver denarius depicting the divine Julius Caesar from 40 BCE. The coin was minted during rule of quaestor Q. Voconius Vitulus. On the other side of the coin is an image of a calf.
A well-preserved Roman helmet from the 2nd century CE. The object was found in a field in Sivac, in northern Serbia. Currently, it is in a museum in Sombor.
Gallo-Roman bronze statuettes depicting Priapus. The objects were found in Picardy, northern France. The objects consist of two parts, where one of the layers presents a great phallus. Dated to the 1st century CE.
Roman fresco showing Saturn with its head covered with a hood. The Roman God holds a sickle in his hand. The painting was discovered in the House of the Dioscuri in Pompeii.
Roman gold coin (solidus) depicting Elia Galla Placidia. The object is dated to the 5th century CE. The coin was minted in Aquileia (Italy) and was found near Prokuplje in south-eastern Serbia.
Roman coin with three imperial images. The object is dated to the 3rd-4th century CE. The artifact was found in the remains of ancient Viminacium, near the city of Kostolac, in eastern Serbia.
Beautiful Roman mask – of a ceremonial nature – which is part of the helmet. The object dates to the 2nd century CE. The artifact was found in the Roman castrum in Kostol, near the remains of the Trajan’s Bridge, in eastern Serbia.
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