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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Augustus of Prima Porta
The so-called statue of Augustus of Prima Porta stood in the private villa of Empress Livia in Prima Porta, near Rome. This is probably the posthumous appearance of the emperor, as evidenced by his bare feet – nudity symbolized the death of the depicted person, but the emperor fighting for the renewal of Roman customs was not decided to present in this form, especially shortly after his death. Instead, the pars pro toto principle was used – literally “part of the whole” – bare feet were supposed to symbolize the nakedness of the whole body.
Tombstone of Viatorinus
The tombstone of Viatorinus, a Roman soldier who died at the hands of Frank in a foreign land – near the ancient settlement of Divitia (near Gereonskloster; around Cologne in Germany).
Fresco showing slave carrying master’s trousers
Late Roman fresco showing a slave carrying master’s trousers. Object dated to around 375 CE. Fresco found in a tomb near the Roman city of Durostorum (now Silistra, Bulgaria).
Cameo showing Hadrian
A pendant made of sardonyx showing Emperor Hadrian, crowned by Oikoumene (personification of the conquered world).
Roman gold pendant with moon
Roman gold pendant with the moon. The beads are made of blue glass. The object dates to the 2nd century CE.
Bust of young Roman
Bust of a young Roman from the reign of Emperor Trajan. Dated to around 100 CE.
Roman ring with inscription
Roman ring with the inscription “ANIMA DVLCIS VIVAS MECV”, which can literally be translated: “May you live with me sweet soul”. Dated to the 4th century CE.