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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Roman skeleton in grave in Viminacium
Skeleton found in Roman grave, dated around 3rd-4th century CE. It was found in remains of Viminacium, Roman town located near Kostolac, eastern Serbia.
Underground part of Aqua Traiana
The photo shows the underground part of Aqua Traiana, which transported water from an underground source located under an abandoned 13th-century church on the shores of Lake Bracciano.
Gallic-Roman Hermaphrodite
The statuette shows a Gallic-Roman Hermaphrodite. The object is dated from 2nd – 3rd century CE and is about 10 cm tall.
Remains of Roman road Via Delle Gallie
Preserved, carved in the stone Roman arch, which was on the so-called Via Delle Gallie – the Roman road that crossed the Aosta Valley towards Gaul. The road was 5 meters wide. Next to arch is located a milestone marking the XXXVI Roman mile (53 km), calculated from Aosta. The road led from Eporedia (Ivrea) to Augusta Praetoria Salassorum (Aosta).
Roman silver coins
Roman silver antoninianus coins, dated back to 3rd century CE. Objects were found in province of Vojvodina, northern Serbia.
Mummy portrait of youth
Mummy portrait of a youth. Object was found in Egypt. Dated back to 150–200 CE. It is example of so called Fayum portrait.
Interesting Roman ring
Roman gold ring dated back to 1st-2nd century CE. It was found next to Hadrian’s Wall.