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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Earliest Roman beliefs
Originally, the Roman religion was animistic and abstract. Finally, Etruscan influences, during the kingdom, caused the Roman deities to become anthropomorphic. From the Etruscans, the custom of setting up temples was also accepted. On Capitol Hill, a shrine was erected, in which statues of the three most important Etruscan gods were found: Tinii – identified with Jupiter, Uni – with Juno and Minerva. These deities created the so-called the Capitoline Triad, replacing the Latin Triad: Jupiter, Mars and Quirin.
Roman fibula in shape of snail shell
Roman fibula in the shape of a snail shell with a length of 3 cm. The object is made of silver and is dated to the 2nd-3rd century CE.
Roman cup with details showing centaurs
Roman cup with details showing centaurs. The object is made of silver and gold. Dated to the first century CE.
Realistic Roman portrait of older woman
Realistic Roman bronze head of a woman. Dated back to 1st century BCE.