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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Roman altar of certain Gaius Julius Alpinus Classicianus

Roman altar of a certain Gaius Julius Alpinus Classicianus, which was found in the ruins of the Roman defensive walls of Londinium. Thanks to the accounts of the Roman historian Tacitus, we know that the man was the minister of finance in Britain and was sent there by Nero after the fall of Boudica’s rebellion (60-61 CE).

Roman altar of certain Gaius Julius Alpinus Classicianus

Ancient sculpture of young man

Ancient sculpture of a young man. The artifact is located in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples. The caption under the exhibit – “Epheb” – suggests that we are dealing with the image of a Greek young man aged 18-20 who has undergone military training.

Ancient sculpture of young man

Roman portrait of unknown man

Roman portrait of an unknown man. The sculpture dates back to the 1st century BCE. The artifact is located in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.

Roman portrait of unknown man

Roman fresco showing young man and cattle

Roman fresco showing a young man (it may be Paris) grazing sheep and cattle next to the sanctuary. The object dates back to the 1st century CE. The artifact is located in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples.

Roman fresco showing young man and cattle

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