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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Artifact)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Ceramic bust from girl’s grave

A ceramic bust from a girl’s grave. The object is dated from the 1st-2nd century CE. The artifact was found in Córdoba, Spain, and is now in the National Archaeological Museum of Madrid.

Ceramic bust from girl's grave

Alexander the Great on Roman medallion

Alexander the Great on a Roman medallion from the 3rd century CE. The object was found in Abu Qir, northern Egypt. Alexander was shown wearing a decorated Attic helmet with his head raised, suggesting his divinity.

Alexander the Great on Roman medallion

Mosaic showing tigress and cubs

Roman mosaic showing the tigress and cubs. The object is dated to the 4th century CE and was probably found in Italy. Currently, the object is in the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art in the USA.

Mosaic showing tigress and cubs

Roman small statuette depicting gladiator

Roman small statuette depicting a gladiator. The object dates from the 1st century CE and shows the so-called “thrax”, who in the arena was usually armed with a short sword (broken here) and a small shield protecting the chest.

Roman small statuette depicting gladiator

Roman weight

Roman scale, made of bronze. Dated on the 1st-2nd century CE. The object was found in the village of Hrtkovci in northern Serbia.

Roman weight

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