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New movie about Ben Hur

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A new movie about Ben Hura
A new movie about Ben Hura

The creators of the new movie about Ben Hur had plans to make the film in the Circus Maximus itself, the place where the great chariot races were once held. However, as it turned out, the producers were quickly brought back to Earth and due to “technical problems” they could not be able to shoot the famous scene of the race Ben Hur and Messala.

Probably the producers were afraid of fees that could be demanded by the Roman authorities. In July 2014, the Rolling Stones concert was held in the Circus Maximus, for which the was originally demanded 8000 euros. However, an avalanche of criticism fell on the authorities and the town hall, which decided to increase the fee to 200.000 euros. The creators of the remake finally decided to build a copy of Circus Maximus.

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