The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
The Roman social and moral “miracle” was that foreign influences were assimilated without losing their cultural identity. The visualization shows a reconstructed appearance of one of York’s inhabitants from the 4th century CE. The city was multicultural and the exemplary woman had black and white ancestors, which was certainly common during the Empire.
Damaged antique vessels that were deformed during firing and then abandoned. According to researchers, the vessels were not even used. The objects were found in an ancient landfill in Waiblingen, in southwest Germany. Dated on the 2nd/3rd century CE.
Roman water wheel, located in the Archaeological Museum of Huelva (southern Spain). The object was found in 1928 in the Rio Tinto mine; dated 1st-2nd century CE. The water wheel was used in the ancient ore mine to remove water and replaced the trowel of people and animals.
Roman funeral wreath made of Helichrysum stoechas flowers. The object was found in Hawara (Egypt) and survived thanks to the dry climate of Egypt. The artifact is dated to the 2nd/3rd century CE; is on display at The British Museum.
Roman bust of probably a 3-4-year-old girl. The object is located in The Cleveland Museum of Art in the USA; it is dated to the middle of the 3rd century CE.
As Michael Grant writes, ancient Roman sources are unclear and difficult to interpret unequivocally. Ancient rites were recorded in holiday calendars. What we have learned of this contains some material that goes back to the time of the Roman kings. Such religious events – the completion of annual religious rites – initially had the best chance of being remembered by the Romans.
Ancient Romans rather despised beggars and believed that they were closer to slaves than to fellow citizens. If someone was supported, it was only for political gains.
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