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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Society)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Pater familias could decide on death of family member
In ancient Rome, the father of the family (pater familias) was a person with exceptional social rights. Among other things, he had the right to decide even about the lives of other family members.
Romans decided whether to accept infants
In ancient Rome, the very birth of a child was a solemn event for the household. When the boy was born, the door of the house was decorated with olive branches. When the girl was born – woollen ribbons. Shortly after birth, the infant was placed at the father’s feet – as the master of the house and family, who was to decide his future.
Breastfeeding in Roman times
The rich Roman matrons did not breastfeed their children. For these purposes, slaves or freedmen were usually used.
Brushing teeth in Roman times was routine
Brushing teeth in Roman times was an inseparable element of personal hygiene. However, modern people would not use the substances used by the Romans. They believed, for example, that hard ingredients allowed teeth to maintain strength – for this purpose, crushed bones and oyster shells from which the mixture was made.
Subligaculum – Roman underwear
Subligaculum was underwear, worn e.g. under a toga, which was formed by a linen loincloth. Both men and women wrapped in a belt of material around the waist to cover intimate places.
Did Romans wear rings as sign of love?
In the Roman world, there was no distinction between the wedding ring and the engagement ring. Roman on the occasion of the wedding was donating a ring to his chosen woman. However, this was not proof of love, but rather a subordination of a woman and recognition of her as property. In this way, the future husband clearly stated that the woman he married belongs only to him. It is brutal, but this is what the paternalistic Roman society looked like.