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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Rhapta – ancient market in south-east Africa

In the famous “Periplus of the Erythraean Sea”1 – a manuscript from the turn of the 1st century CE, which served merchants navigating the waters between East Africa and India – we can find a place called “Rhapta”, which is described as “the last marketplace of Azania” and was located two days south of the so-called Menouthias Islands (it is suspected that it could have been Zanzibar, Mafia or Pemba).

Map based on the Periplus of the Eritrean Sea

Did Roman legionaries sing songs during march?

Life in the army has always been hard and required soldiers to have strong will, perseverance and physical strength. Long and demanding marches caused the soldiers to try to diversify time in various ways, including singing. Did Roman legionaries do the same?

Did Roman legionnaires sing songs during the march?

Medieval monks saved many works

If there were no medieval monks and copyists, many important ancient works would not have survived to our times. Copyist’s work efficiency was 3-6 cards in quarto per day – in Quarto in letterpress it is a double-folded sheet of paper that consists of four cards and eight pages. It took a year to rewrite, for example, the “Bible”. A copyist could rewrite 40 works in his lifetime.

Medieval monk in the painting

Structure of Roman family

A typical Roman familia consisted of all family members and their slaves slaves. To put it in legal matters, everyone who was subject to the legal control of the head of the house belonged to the family – paterfamilias.

Bas-relief showing the Roman family

Roman citizen could have sex with another man

Roman citizen could have sex with another man, taking into consideration that he was not a passive partner. Such a citizen in no way lost his masculinity or social status. Most often, a passive person was chosen as a slave, male prostitute or a person from the artistic world who had nothing to lose.

Pompeian fresco showing two men having sex with a woman

Centenaria – fortified Roman farms

Centenaria (singular centenarium) were fortified farms in northern Africa – Tripolitania (northwestern part of Libya; near the coast). So far, we have found the remains of over 2,000 such objects, including Gheriat esh-Shergia, Qasr Banat or Suq al-Awty, which were the so-called Limes Tripolitanus.

Qasr Banat, centenarium

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