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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Masinissa – interesting facts about king of Numidia
Masinissa was the first king of Numidia (present-day eastern Algeria and western Tunisia) in 202-148 BCE and an important ally of the Romans1 in the second Punic war against Carthage. It was in the battle of Zama in 202 BCE that the Numidian cavalry largely determined the defeat of Hannibal.
Great gladiators
Gladiators enjoyed great fame – we know some of them by name thanks to Roman writers. Martialis, a Roman poet, mentions in his poem a man named Hermes, who specialized in wielding all types of weapons and his spectacular fights “brought” crowds to the stands of the amphitheaters.
Britain – island!
Julius Agricola, a Roman commander from the 1st century CE, significantly contributed to Roman expansion in Britain and broke the strength of the Caledonian tribes for a generation. After the victorious battle of Mons Graupius Agricola gave the prefect of the fleet an order to sail along the coasts to the north, which made it clear that Britain was an island.
Were Roman legionaries really short?
There is a widespread belief that Roman legionaries were short and compensated for their poor physical conditions, e.g. in clashes with Gauls or Germans, with great discipline, organization and equipment. How was it really?
Hunting was staged in Roman arenas
Hunting was staged in the amphitheater arenas, where a tunic warrior stood in front of a wild animal, armed only with a sword or spear. Sometimes he was accompanied by a venator equipped with a bow, whip or spear, which he often fought for money or glory.
Interesting facts related to gladiator fights
Gladiators received cash prizes for their win. In the event of a decisive and effective victory, the warrior additionally received a laurel wreath. The greatest reward was the release from fighting in the arena, which was shown by handing over a wooden sword. In contrast, convicts and criminals, forced by the authorities to fight, were given freedom if they survived more than three years of fighting.
Scorpions in antiquity
Pliny the Elder said that scorpions are a terrible plague. They are almost as venomous as vipers, but their venom causes much more torture to the victim who dies in painful agony lasting up to three days. In turn, the Roman writer Claudius Aelianus clearly emphasized that scorpions are hated, and that they hide in the desert under every stone and clod of sand.