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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Augustus in harmony with rituals

Gaius Octavius, known also as Augustus, during his rule followed divination regarding certain days. He never left he city on the day after the day of the fairs. He also did not start anything in Nonae, explaining that he was willing to “avoid the bad omen from the name”. Nona in Roman mythology was the name of one of the Moirai – Clotho (Greek mythology), spinning thread of human life, and at the same time a goddess helping the nursing.

Augustus as a priest

Rituals before battle

Romans were very superstitious. Before important events, especially before the battles and military expeditions, sacrifices were made to ensure the favor of the gods and signs were read.

Roman ritual

Manumission in ancient Rome

The formal procedure for liberation of the slave (manumissio vindicta) took place in front of the praetor or consul and only with his consent (addictio). At least three people had to take part in the process: a slave, an owner and an outsider (adsertor libertatis) who was free and certified the freedom of a slave.

Slave Sale in Rome, Jean-L├ęon G├ęr├┤me


The main difference between a male and a female gladiator was the fact that a woman fighting in the arena was not a slave. Probably in the later Roman period, gladiatrices (singular gladiatrix) were also people from slavery. Originally, however, women voluntarily took part in gladiatorial battles, seeking adventures.


New movie about Ben Hur

The creators of the new movie about Ben Hur had plans to make the film in the Circus Maximus itself, the place where the great chariot races were once held. However, as it turned out, the producers were quickly brought back to Earth and due to “technical problems” they could not be able to shoot the famous scene of the race Ben Hur and Messala.

A new movie about Ben Hura

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