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Discoveries and news in Rome
All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
60 Roman skeletons discovered beneath swimming pool in York
In 2018, there was an amazing discovery in York (England). During renovation works under the hotel swimming pool, human remains were found, dating back to the Roman period in Britain.
Pigments have been discovered on Roman stone in Scotland
Using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence, in 2018 scientists discovered traces of red and yellow pigments on distance-measuring stones that are part of the fortifications of the Antonin Wall in Britain.
Reconstruction of villa of Pliny the Younger
Reconstruction of the villa Pliny the Younger in the city of Laurentum, in Latium, between Ostia and Lavinium.
3 Roman shipwrecks were discovered in port of Alexandria
At the bottom of the eastern port of Alexandria, 3 Roman shipwrecks, an Egyptian votive candle for the god Osiris, and some minor artefacts were discovered.
Coin from Bar-Kochba uprising was discovered
Scientists found a bronze coin that dates back to 132 CE, the moment of the famous Jewish uprising, the so-called Bar-Kochba rebellion that targeted the Roman occupation. Until now, scientists believed that the insurgents were not supported by the local population north of Jerusalem, in the mountainous region of Samaria. As it turns out, the discovered artefact proves that the extent of the revolt was greater than previously thought.
Mausoleum from 3rd century CE was found in Serbia
In eastern Serbia, the remains of a Roman mausoleum from the 3rd century CE were found. The discovery took place at an excavation site in Viminacium, east of Belgrade, near the town of Kostolac.
Scientists trying to recreate Roman refrigerator
In 2018, in the Swiss city of Kaiseraugst (the northern part of the country), which in Roman times was called Augusta Raurica, scientists found an interesting example of a Roman house. Namely, it had a storage box that, according to researchers, could serve as an antique refrigerator. Due to the assumptions, reconstruction works have been started.
First horse remains were discovered in Pompeii
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an ancient Roman villa in Pompeii, with the remains of the first horse in Pompeii. Excavation work began last year, in August.