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Discoveries and news in Rome
All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
Remains of Roman object near Cambridge have been discovered
During the excavations preceding the construction works for the new housing estate in Bottisham (near Cambridge), the remains of a Roman camp were found.
Monument of Roman centurion Sentius Tectonicus was unveiled
On the 1900th anniversary of Hadrian’s reign, in 2017, a monument of Roman centurion Sentius Tectonicus was unveiled in the former Roman fort of Segedunum (now Wallsend in England).
Numerous Roman memorabilia have been discovered in Gloucester
In Gloucester (England), excavations are carried out, as a result of which a Roman burial ground was discovered, with numerous burials and fragments of pottery.
Archaeologists examined skeleton of man with stone in place of his tongue
In 1991, scientists discovered an unusual skeleton from Roman Britain – in Northamptonshire, central England. The body was buried face down and, as it turns out, the man had his tongue amputated and a flat stone inserted in its place.
Excavations at Hadrianopolis will resume
In the northern part of Turkey, exploration work has resumed in the former city of Hadrianapolis, which was founded in the 1st century BCE. The centre existed until the 8th century.
Roman catacombs were discovered in Malta
Roman catacombs were discovered under a school in Malta in 2016, including a small tooth of a buried toddler from over 2000 years ago.