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Discoveries and news in Rome
All the latest information about discoveries from the world of ancient Romans. I encourage you to let me know about any Roman news and to indicate any corrections or inaccuracies. I try to search for material everywhere, but it is natural that not everything will be noticed by me.
Lost Roman artifacts found at auction
Twelve years ago in Colchester, England, Roman coffins were stolen and discovered next to St Mary’s Hospital. To everyone’s surprise, the lost artifacts were put up for sale at an auction.
Prison where St. Peter was kept was opened to public
After a long restoration process, the ancient prison where Saint Peter was held was reopened to the public. Carcer Tullianum prison is located beneath a 16th-century church, which in turn is located near the Forum Romanum.
After six years of excavation, tourists can admire Circus Maximus
After more than six years of excavation and restoration, scientists have given tourists to admire another attraction – Circus Maximus.
In Cornwall, woman found 1,700-year-old Roman coin
In Cornwall, in the west of England, a woman came across a 1,700-year-old Roman coin.
Excavations underneath Leicester Cathedral are set to reveal Roman temple
Archaeologists have begun excavation work on the site of the Christian Cathedral of St Nicholas’ Circle in Leicester, England.
Virtual Roman boxer resting
The statue of a sitting and resting Roman boxer is one of the most famous ancient works. Now we can take a closer look at it thanks to computer technology.
Coin indicates different date when famous Segovia aqueduct was built
A discovered coin in Spain changed the attitude of scientists as to the date of construction of the famous aqueduct in Segovia.