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Virtual map of Pompeii
I encourage you to use the virtual map of Pompeii, which allows you to easily find the building you are interested in. Map link: https://arcg.is/9mOSO. Below is also a map placed on the website and a video of the service.
Two Roman slabs with inscriptions will be on display at University of Leeds in England
Two Roman inscription slabs will be on display at the University of Leeds in England, one of which is one of the longest ever discovered in Britain.
Ancient artifacts have been stolen from museum in Preston
Antique finds, including 28 silver Roman coins, were stolen from a museum in Preston, England. As it turns out, the people who found the treasure were forced to store the object in the museum.
Collaboration with “Ancient History Magazine”
I am pleased to inform you that IMPERIUM ROMANUM has established cooperation with the popular English-language monthly “Ancient History Magazine”. Every month, I will have the opportunity to read the content of the magazine, which keeps us informed about the latest archaeological research, discoveries and interesting information about ancient history; including, of course, ancient Rome. I will use the acquired knowledge to develop the website and write new content.