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Reviews (Cross-sectional publications)

If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: “The Restoration of Rome”

Peter Heather

Peter Heather, a well-known historian specializing in the history of late antiquity, in his book "The Restoration of Rome" takes readers on a fascinating journey through the period of the fall of the Roman Empire and a discussion of the changes that occurred in its areas in the Middle Ages. The author primarily focuses on the description of three attempts to resurrect (unsuccessfully) the Roman Empire. The book was published by REBIS publishing house.

The Restoration of Rome

Review: Vandal Heaven

Simon Elliott

The book "Vandal Heaven. Reinterpreting Post-Roman North Africa" ​​by Simon Elliott is a book about the history of the Vandals, a Germanic tribe whose expansion contributed to the weakening of the Roman Empire and its eventual fall. The English-language book was published by Pen and Sword Books.

Vandal Heaven

Review: Ancient Rome: Infographics

Nicolas Guillerat, John Scheid, Milan Melocco

The book "Ancient Rome. Infographics" is a novelty on the Polish publishing market, which is to tell the history of ancient Rome in an unusual way - based on data visualization - infographics. The authors of the book's content are John Scheid and Milan Melocco, and Nicolas Guillerat is responsible for the graphic design.

Ancient Rome: Infographics

Review: The Reach of Rome. A Journey Through the Lands of the Ancient Empire

Alberto Angela

The book "The Reach of Rome. A Journey Through the Lands of the Ancient Empire" in the footsteps of one coin” by Alberto Angel is another position by the author, with the help of which he tries to fascinate readers with the world of ancient Romans. This time the author decided to take us - as the title suggests - on a journey through the Roman Empire.

The Reach of Rome. A Journey Through the Lands of the Ancient Empire

Review: Working IX to V. Orgy Planners, Funeral Clowns, and Other Prized Professions of the Ancient World

Vicky Leon

Do you want to know the history of ancient Rome, but you are bored with long historical dissertations? Do you love real-life stories? So this offer is perfect for you. In her book, Vicky Leon talks about real life in an ancient metropolis: she tells the stories of ordinary people and, above all, paints in front of the reader a surprising mosaic of professions, professions and professions.

Working IX to V. Orgy Planners, Funeral Clowns, and Other Prized Professions of the Ancient World

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