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Reviews (Cross-sectional publications)

If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: The Caesars

Julian I

The author of this work is Julian, called the Apostate by posterity, who was a Roman emperor in the years 361-363 CE. and decided to evaluate his predecessors.

The Caesars

Review: The Last Romans

Teodor Jeske-Choiński

A thrilling historical novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz's friend and competitor, set in the realities of the collapsing ancient Rome.

The Last Romans

Review: Roman Warfare

Jonathan P. Roth

The author reports on the most important war campaigns in the history of the country of the wolf people and the organization of its extraordinary army, taking into account its reforms and the place of soldiers in Roman society.

Roman Warfare

Review: The Fall of Constantinople 1453

Steven Runciman

In his book entitled "The Fall of Constantinople 1453" by the eminent British medievalist Steven Runciman presented the circumstances, course and consequences of the fall of the city of Constantine the Great, previously known as Byzantium.

The Fall of Constantinople 1453

Review: When Our World Became Christian: 312 – 394

Paul Veyne

In his not-very large book, entitled "When Our World Became Christian: 312 - 394", the French historian Mr. Paul Veyne told his readers the story of the takeover of power in the Roman state by the then-new Christian religion. The topic itself raised in the discussed study is extremely interesting and it is good that the author did his work diligently and expertly analyzed the historical sources available to him, telling us about incredibly turbulent times from Constantine to Theodosius - both called "The Great" by posterity.

When Our World Became Christian: 312 - 394

Review: Caesar. Life of a Colossus

Adrian Goldsworthy

The whole book is not only an efficiently written and very interesting story about Gaius Julius Caesar and his turbulent fate, which continues to fascinate successive generations of politicians, historians and history lovers.

Caesar. Life of a Colossus

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