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Reviews (Cross-sectional publications)

If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: Conquering Jerusalem

Stephen Dando-Collins

The book "Conquering Jerusalem" by Stephen Dando-Collins is about the Jewish war in the years 66-73 CE. The author decided to focus on the events of one of the greatest revolts that broke out in the Roman Empire.

Conquering Jerusalem

Review: Constantine at the Bridge

Stephen Dando-Collins

The book "Constantine at the Bridge" by Stephen Dando-Collins tells the story of Constantine I, the man who reunited the Roman Empire in the hands of one man after almost thirty years of separation of powers. What's more, most people attribute to him that he contributed to the growth of the importance of Christianity in the Roman state.

Constantine at the Bridge

Review: Edge of Empire. Rome’s Frontier on the Lower Rhine

Jona Lendering and Arjen Bosman

The book "Edge of Empire. Rome's Frontier on the Lower Rhine" by Jon Lendering and Arjen Bosman is an impressive work that focuses on the Roman era covering today's north-eastern France, Belgium and the Netherlands. In the Roman Empire, these areas were the provinces of Gallia Belgica and Germania Inferior.

Edge of Empire. Rome's Frontier on the Lower Rhine

Review: Julius Caesar: Rome’s Greatest Warlord

Simon Elliott

"Julius Caesar: Rome's Greatest Warlord" by Simon Elliott is a book, as the title suggests, about the life and achievements of Julius Caesar, a great figure in the history of the ancient world, and above all an outstanding leader and politician.

Julius Caesar Rome's Greatest Warlord

Review: Early Rome to 290 BC

Guy Bradley

The book "Early Rome to 290 BC. The Beginnings of the City and the Rise of the Republic" by Guy Bradley is a book about the earliest period of the Roman state. The reader gets to know Rome from the Late Bronze Age to 290 BCE. The book was published by Edinburgh University Press.

Early Rome to 290 BC, Guy Bradley

Review: Roman Britain and where to find it

Denise Allen, Mike Bryan

The book "Roman Britain and where to find it", authored by Denise Allen and Mike Bryan, is a form of a guide telling about the most important places and monuments in Britain related to the presence of ancient Romans. The item was published by Amberley Publishing.

Roman Britain and where to find it

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