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If you have any reviews or would like to share your impressions about some books, feel free to send me texts to:

Of course, there aren’t any major demands on style and length. It is important that the text is coherent, describes your impressions and presents the evaluation of the publication.

Review: Spartacus. Rebellion

Ben Kane

The book "Spartacus. Rebellion" by Ben Kane is the next and last part of the historical novel telling the fate of the most famous gladiator and the largest slave uprising in ancient Rome.

Ben Kane, Spartacus. Rebellion

Review: Fall of the Roman Empire

Edward Gibbon

The book "Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon is certainly an epic work. In Poland, the book is a separate item, and at the same time a continuation of another work by Gibbon "Decline of the Roman Empire". The English author wrote his work as a whole in the 18th century, under the title: "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire".

Fall of the Roman Empire

Review: Legion

Geraint Jones

The book "Legion" by Geraint Jones is the last, and at the same time, the first part of the series tells the story of the Roman legionnaire Corvus. The second part of "The Bloody Forest" appeared on the publishing market, telling about the great defeat of the Roman legions in the Teutoburg forest. The next volume of "Siege" is a dramatic escape of the surviving legionnaires who, together with the camp crew, stand in the way of Arminius' army.

Geraint Jones, Legion

Review: Hannibal. Clouds of War

Ben Kane

The book "Hannibal. Clouds of War" by Ben Kane is the third part of the adventures of the Carthaginian Hanno and the Roman siblings Quintus and Aurelia during the Second Punic War. Once again, the main characters are on opposite sides of the barricade and fight for survival during a powerful conflict between the hegemons of the time in the Mediterranean.

Hannibal. Clouds of War

Review: The Fall of Carthage: The Punic Wars 265-146BC

Adrian Goldsworthy

The book "The Fall of Carthage. The History of the Punic Wars" by Adrian Goldsworthy is a position telling the history of the struggle of the Roman Republic with Carthage. so-called Punic wars still occupy many historians and enthusiasts, and warfare - especially in the second war - is a base of information for military adepts.

The Fall of Carthage: The Punic Wars 265-146BC

Review: Byzantium

Peter Sarris

The book "Byzantium" by Peter Sarris is a position that tries to present the history and importance of the Byzantine Empire in a "compact" way. The book has 140 pages of content and is part of the "Short Introduction" series, in which outstanding specialists gathered around the University of Oxford try to explain the world and processes in an accessible way. The item was published by the University of Lodz Publishing House.


Review: How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator

Theodore Papakostas

The book "How to fit all antiquity in one elevator" by Theodore Papakostas is a position presenting ancient history in the form of a dialogue in a closed elevator between an archaeologist and a random person. The publisher of the book is Wydawnictwo HI:STORY.

How to Fit All of Ancient Greece in an Elevator

Review: Traitor

Geraint Jones

The book "Traitor" by Geraint Jones is a continuation of the plot from the "Legion" part, in which we are again transferred to Pannonia and the main character Corvus takes part in the fights to suppress the rebellion of local tribes. The book was published by the REBIS publishing house.


Review: Blood of Rome. Eagles of the Empire

Simon Scarrow

The book "Blood of Rome. Eagles of the Empire" is the 17th part of the widely read series by the British writer Simon Scarrow. This time the author directs his Roman heroes - the soldiers of Cato and Macron - to the far east, specifically to Armenia and against Parthia. The book was published by the Książnica Publishing House.

Blood of Rome. Eagles of the Empire

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